The “Kriminologisches Journal” (KrimJ) is a quarterly scientific journal which is published by Beltz-Juventa. The journal features original scientific articles, discussion papers, practice and research reports on criminological theory and practice in German and English language. The thematic focus is on critical approaches to the structures and measures of social control bodies. All manuscripts undergo selective editorial and peer-review assessment prior to acceptance for publication. The peer-review process is strictly anonymous.
The “Kriminologisches Journal” is available both in print and online. Single issues and subscriptions are available at Beltz Juventa.
Issue 3/2020
Issue 3/2020
Full papers
Varianzen der Verselbstständigung der Polizei per Gesetz. „Gefährliche Orte“ im bundesweiten Vergleich (German)
Variances in the Independence of the Police by Law. “Danger Zones” in a nationwide comparison
Svenja Keitzel
In each of the 16 national police laws in Germany, there is a norm that enables suspicionless identity controls in selected areas by the police. The prerequisites for the establishment of these “danger zones” are to a large extent legally undetermined and the procedure for this usually takes place within the police. The present paper argues that the vagueness of law creates autonomy for the police. Therefore, power relations within the state apparatus and critical interventions from civil society or parliament are decisive for the implementation of the law and the manner in which it is used. This leads to a great variance in procedural practices concerning “danger zones”. On the basis of an overview of all German police laws, this is going to be shown in more detail with reference to four federal states (Hesse, Bremen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saxony).
Fehlklassifikationen bei politisch links motivierter Kriminalität (German)
Misclassifications in left-wing politically motivated crime
Jens Struck
This article focusses on left-wing politically motivated incitement to violent acts in connection with police crime statistics on politically motivated offences. It is argued that the classification is a discourse-stabilizing result of both the established, vague left-right scale and the police‘s defining power. This is illustrated and discussed by a file analysis of offences comitted online categorized by the police as left-wing, with a focus on incitement to violent acts.
Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich: Eine Geschichte der „lautlosen Disziplinierung“ der Restorative Justice in Deutschland (German)
Restorative Justice in Germany: A story of “silent silencing”
Christop Willms
Restorative justice has neither fundamentally reformed the existing justice system in Germany nor led to a reduction in the rate of imprisonment. Instead, it has only further refined the differences in the existing system – that of a “sovereign justice” based on sanctions. In his papers on the “silent silencing” of social movements, Mathiesen provides a possible explanation. If restorative justice is to bring about more profound social change, it must be consistently viewed as a commitment to certain values and emancipate itself from its “dependence on the criminal justice system”.
Discussion Paper
Covid-19: Präventive Sicherheitsordnung 2.0 (German)
COVID-19. Preventive security order 2.0
Aldo Legnaro/Daniela Klimke
The essay attempts a preliminary assessment of the current epidemic policy. Against the background of an analysis of crisis rhetoric, Covid-19 is seen as a government technology which, according to the thesis, leads to a new type of disciplinary society.
Book reviews
Didier Fassin: Der Wille zum Strafen (Krasmann)
Robert Feustel/Henning Schmidt-Semisch/Ulrich Bröckling (Hg.): Handbuch Drogen in sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Hess)
Christiane Howe/Lars Ostermeier (Hg.): Polizei und Gesellschaft. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Methoden, Theorie und Empirie reflexiver Polizeiforschung (Grutzpalk)
Matthias Quent: Rassismus, Radikalisierung, Rechtsterrorismus. Wie der NSU entstand und was er über die Gesellschaft verrät. (Schiek)
Carolyn McKay: The Pixelated Prisoner. Prison Video Links, Court ‘Appearance’ and the Justice Matrix. (Zurawski)
New book series : "Soziale Probleme. Konstruieren und Verwalten."